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tv   American History TV  CSPAN  October 19, 2014 3:22pm-3:27pm EDT

3:22 pm
with that color. that thatdetails like you have to pay attention to is you do restoration. as i peel away the layers, i am going back in history, and knowing that i'm going to at some point uncovered the original fabric of the building, that is what makes it very interesting and appealing. with every piece of material you remove, there are exciting , excitinger it observations. it's so interesting. that may not have been seen since the day it was constructed. if you think about the people who constructed that piece, they were the last ones to see that. that is what makes it interesting, that immersive feel, the connection you feel to the past.
3:23 pm
that is what really drives me. what is next as we will be plastering the interior. sit for a bit.t this building will be opening june 30, 2015. all weekend long, american history tv is featuring green bay, wisconsin, located on the western shore of lake michigan at the mouth of the fox river. staff recently visited many sites, flooring green bay's rich history. learn more all weekend right here on american history tv. >> this is hazelwood historic house. it is the home of the morgan l martin family, and they learned in the house from 1838 until the 1930's. early on, this was a french
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of the menand most who lived here and the families who live here sided with the british during the war of 1812. after the war, the american fur company came into this area, john jacob astor, and took over, and they didn't make life easy for the british fur traders. wastually, all of this land foreclosed on by john jacob astor, and many amazing characters who live in the area lost a lot of their early -- property. one of them was john law. this was his property originally. remembered as a very ardent statesman, as a man who worked diligently to help the state become the territory and then to become a state. --gan l martin wasn't born
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was born in martinsburg, new york and came from a wealthy family. in 1827, he came to this area to study law. this was michigan territory when he came here, and he was involved in politics. he was on the legislature for wisconsin becoming its own territory. he helped write the constitution . he stayed involved in politics to the point of helping right the constitution for wisconsin to become a state. when he came to this area, i don't know that he felt he needed to stay, but he saw a lot of opportunity here. he actually met with some other people who were just settling into the area, and they got involved in a lot of different things together, buying and selling land. then he met elizabeth, his life wife-to-be.
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her uncle was stopped or william .eaumont, the stomach surgeon he was at fort howard checking on the military post, and she was here within, so he met her. they ended up staying here in the early days. i think he felt, what had she done? she talked about, this is a very desolate area, and she seemed to want to go back to new york. this was the social center, this house. anyone with any importance came to the area came here. she was very good at entertaining and making people feel comfortable. in her later years, she wrote for "the milwaukee sentinel." at that point, she is writing about her recollections, the good old days. she has a different perspective.


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